Pre-wedding plate-breaking fun!

Hi there!

In my last post I mentioned that we were going to a wedding this coming weekend here in Germany.  Last night (Wednesday) we went to a traditional pre-wedding party where they break plates.  The guests bring dishware to smash and the bride and groom have to clean it up together to show that they can successfully work together.  How many plates or dishes do you think they would break?  Well, I thought everyone would bring a dish to break, they'd clean them up and that would be it.  We'd have some food, drinks, and head home.  Nope.  The plate-breaking happened all evening!!  The party started around 6:30 pm, we left around 9 pm and there was no stopping in the near future.  The bride and groom said it could last until midnight!  The guests would smash dishware in the driveway and the bride and groom had to keep cleaning it up!  They had tents set up with food and drinks and a fire in the driveway.  It was a chilly, damp fall evening, so the shelter was nice.  What did it look like you ask?  Don't worry, I took a few pictures :-)

 Just the start of the plate-breaking....

The small trailer where they loaded up the broken dishes

Valerie and Daddy....even Valerie threw one!

This picture was from the Brenz Park last week.  We finally found a baby swing.  They are not so common here.

Auf Wiedersehen!


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