Travels to Munich and Ulm

Weekend Travels

Whew...that was a tiring weekend.  Saturday we went to Munich to go to Oktoberfest and to walk around and sight-see.  Unfortunately, the weather wasn't great.  It was a cloudy day with an increasing chance of rain as the day went on.  We went to Oktoberfest for a little while in the beginning.  After about 45 minutes though I took Valerie to a nearby park and they wouldn't let us back into Oktoberfest after that because of the stroller!  No strollers on the weekend.  That would've been helpful to know before I left everyone else I was with IN Oktoberfest when you let us through the first time.  :-(  Thank goodness for cell phones. 

We did walk around the city though and saw some neat places.  It was very crowded because of Oktoberfest.  Had some delicious roasted almonds.  Below are pictures of the "Rathaus" which is like the town hall.  One part in the tower moves at certain hours, but we didn't get to see that happen.

Sweet Valerie was a trooper as usual.  Although she was exhausted by the end of the day.

Unfortunately, the day didn't end so well.  It started pouring, and we had a 1-year-old that was just, done.  The the worst part was the 6 hour drive home that should have taken 2 hours.  They closed part of the Autobon due to construction, the detoured traffic just crawled for about 20 kilometers-it took 4 hours.  We got home at 12:30 am.  Thank goodness for that sweet Audi we drive :-)  

Sunday was a MUCH better day.  We went to a nearby city called, Ulm.  It was beautiful.  The weather was quite cloudy and cool again.  We met up with one of Jesse's German friends (and coworker) and his fiance.  We had lunch at a delicious Italian place, they showed us the city, we walked along the river, and we went to a nice little aquarium.  Here are some highlights from Ulm:

A large, beautiful church called "The Munster" (not sure if I spelled that right)  So tall that the top is still in the fog.

Jesse and I along some of the water.  You can see some traditional houses in the background. Valerie was asleep :-)

Cute house that is a restaurant that serves traditional German cuisine.

The slanted house.  On the left side notice how the top half of the house slants down.  It is actually a hotel and the top half has slowly been sinking for years.

Valerie and Daddy at the aquarium.  We also saw, Alpacas, Monkeys, Alligators, and snakes.

Sunday night we had dinner at one of Jesse's co-worker's houses.  They have 3 kids and it was nice for Valerie to get to play there.  Dinner was delicious, my favorite part was the little chocolate cakes they made for dessert.  Gotta get that recipe!  

Valerie is soooo tuckered out from the weekend I put her down for a morning nap and she has been sleeping for about 2 hours now.  Time to wake her up soon so she doesn't sleep all day and throw off her little bit of a schedule we have!

Have a great week!


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