Hiking in Oberstdorf

Our time here in Germany is winding down.  But, we wanted to do one more day trip so yesterday we drove about 1.5 hours to Oberstdorf near Austria.  There are a lot of neat things to do in Oberstdorf because the Alps are there!  I know what you're thinking.......Alps, rolling green hills, "The Sound of Music,".....did you fulfill you're life-long dream of recreating "The Sound of Music" scene by singing in the Alps...well sort of :-)

We didn't get as early a start as we would have liked so we planned to hike at just one place, Breitach Gorge.  Jesse was there once before and it was a beautiful place!  Here's a little info about the Gorge: "This unique monument of nature is the deepest and most fascinating rock gorge in Middle Europe.  It was formed about 10,000 years ago when the melting Breitach glacier and its water forced its way through the chalk stone of the Engenkopf mountain."  First, you hike/walk through the Gorge, it was quite chilly even though it was a warm day.  Then you cross the Gorge and hike up the mountain and walk back through the countryside.  The weather was absolutely perfect for it!

Jesse and Valerie as we begin the hike!

The beginning of the gorge

It was beautiful and amazing, the pictures really don't do it justice!

Looking down into the gorge.  The water comes much higher in the spring when the snow and ice are melting.

Jesse and Valerie on the bridge crossing the gorge.

 This was after we left the gorge, and hiked up the mountain.  You can look back down into the gorge where you already walked.  It was really high!  You can see the tiny bridge down in the gorge.

Our walk back through the countryside.

Awesome view-you can see the Alps in the background.

Perfect time of year since all the leaves were changing color.

The path leading back down to where we parked. 

What an amazing place!  No, I didn't exactly recreate the scene from "The Sound of Music," but I did sing the first few lines several times..."The hills are alive....."

Anyway!  I'm glad we made the trip it was beautiful!  Today it's time to pack up and probably go to Ulm one more time for dinner.  Please pray for safe and easy travels for us!


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