Brenz Park and Rothenburg

Hi there!

Can't believe we've been here for almost 2 weeks already!  Definitely getting settled in and we have adjusted to the time change.  I do miss some things about the US and our home, mostly baby related things.  Like Valerie's high chair or a carpeted place for her to play.  Here is a list of several odd things I've noticed or miss about the US....

1-You can't just order regular FREE water when you are at a restaurant.  Even if you order water, they will give you bottled water.  Which means I usually get something else to drink because I figure I'll pay no matter what.  Although, on the positive side I love sparkling water (seltzer) and it's everywhere here.  I've also discovered the drink they call "spezi"-cola mixed with orange soda.  Sounds weird, I know, but it's pretty good!

2-We LOVE milk.  A liter doesn't last us very long and it's the biggest size I can find.

3-No peanut butter?  Seriously?  You are missing out big time.  (Apparently, it can be found in larger grocery stores, but I haven't seen it yet.)

4-Baby changing stations or tables in bathrooms are a staple in public restrooms in the US.  Not so here.  Changing a 1-year-old's diaper standing up is no easy task, my friends.

Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying our time here, just thought I'd share a few of my observations about differences.

On Friday afternoon Valerie and I went to Brenz Park here in Heidenheim with one of Jesse's co-worker's wives and their 3 kids.  It was a really neat park!  It had a huge sand area, a water area, and a nice playground.  Valerie enjoyed swinging and walking around exploring.  Jesse met up with us after work and we had a nice dinner at a Mexican restaurant that is actually in the park.

Today we went to Rothenberg ob der Taubor.  It. was. awesome. The very first part of the castle there was constructed in 950 by the Count of Comberg-Rothenburg.  The church there dates back to 1336!!!  I have never been to such an old city.  There is also a wall that surrounds the city.  It was just amazing to walk around the think about all of the history there.  Today, it is a HUGE tourist attraction, but they have tried to maintain feeling of an old town.  I took almost 200 pictures.  I think it would take all night to upload them all, so I'll just share a few :-)

A look down one of the streets

Part of the stone wall that surrounds the city.  We went up this way onto the wall.

In the town square.  They had people dressed in costumes to reflect the time period.  There was also a cart making and selling fresh apple cider.

Outside the Criminal Museum-didn't go in the actual Museum, maybe another time.

A distant view of the city from another part of the city.  You can see the wall surrounding it.  The view from this point was unbelievable.  Some more history for you...(thanks wikipedia) During WWII some of the city was destroyed due to fighting.  The German commander stationed there gave up the city instead of "fighting to the end" in order to preserve the history and save it from total destruction.

Valerie and Daddy playing in the leaves :-)

She loved the leaves!

Very old part of one of the towers.

Just thought this was a neat shot.  I wonder where the stairs lead....

We hiked up some steep steps to walk on part of the wall.  A nice man took our picture :-)

Jesse and Valerie along the wall.

We had such a nice time today walking around Rothenberg.  These pictures really don't do it justice to walking around and seeing it first-hand.  We went in some shops, had lunch, then later had coffee and cake at a cafe.  Another fun day!  Tomorrow we're off to do some hiking!

Hope you're enjoying the weekend!


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