Heidenheim Castle

On Sunday we were pretty worn out from the wedding over the weekend so we decided to stay local.  We had lunch at a little cafe then walked up to the Heidenheim castle. Not sure how old it is exactly, but it was really neat!  A great view of the town and there are 2 museums there.  We didn't go in the museums as there was only an hour left before they closed.  Here are some pictures:

There are goats that live on the hillside next to the castle.  Of course Jesse had to try to feed them leaves.

Path leading up to the castle.

On the walls of the castle

A view looking out over Heidenheim

Part of the castle wall

I'm glad we finally walked up to see the castle.  It was a little windy and cold, we would've stayed longer to walk around, but it wasn't that nice of a day.

The beginning of this week has been pretty low-key.  Valerie had a stomach bug yesterday (her first one ever).  Luckily she only got sick a few times, and didn't run a fever.  She seems to be getting better today.  She has kept liquids down and is sleeping a lot.  But when she has been awake today she's been her normal self trying to get into everything she shouldn't!  I loved the extra snuggles, but am glad our little girl is feeling better!


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