Mid week update


Another week is flying by here in Germany!  This past Sunday another one of Jesse's German co-workers invited us to spend the day with him and his family.  We first met them in a town called Schwabisch Gmund where we took a rainy tour of some of the city's highlights.  We saw some old churches dating back to about the 1100s and 1300s.  One church we went into had an organist practicing for an evening concert that would happen later.  It really set the mood to look around with a beautiful pipe organ playing in the background.  We didn't take many pictures because it was raining and we were wrestling with umbrellas and taking turns carrying Valerie in the baby bjorn.

Later we went back to the family's house for a walk and some afternoon coffee and cake.  I love the focus on the family that the Germans seem to have.  The few times we have been invited over to German houses who have teenage kids (roughly 10-17 years old) the whole family hangs out with us.  The kids are not playing on their cell phones or running off to play on the computer.  Not saying every US family is like that by any means, it's just something I've observed.

Valerie and I spent most of Monday and Tuesday here around the apartment (very boring!).  She has a bit of a cold and it was really rainy Tuesday.  She's getting to an age where she loves to test the boundaries and has a mind and attitude of her own.  Lots of fun in store there!  But it's also really fun to see her laugh and play more intentionally with things.  She loves her books and playing with her shape sorter.  She's become quite the confident walker and also points at things and waves to lots of people.

This weekend we are going to a German wedding  (One of Jesse's co-workers).  Tonight we are going to the bride and groom's parents house for a traditional "plate-breaking" time.  I understand that the guests are to bring plates which are broken for good luck.  The bride and groom then have to clean them up to show that they can work together.  It should be interesting :-)  I'm looking forward to it!

Two pictures for you:

Little miss independent was obsessed with the tissue box the other morning.  She wanted to keep carrying it around, which was fine until she started pulling out all the tissues.  There were some tears when Mommy put it away.  Who needs toys?

A picture of the Steiff we got her at the museum...a little lamb.  She loves to snuggle it!

Have a great day!


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