Austrian Ski Trip and One Year in Germany
April 1, 2017 marked one year since we arrived in Germany! I will never forget how anxious and nervous I was the weeks leading up to when we left the US. I am a worrier. I know, worrying really does nothing except distract you and make you feel awful! However, in those weeks leading up to our move I worried about everything from finding gluten free food for Valerie, making friends, leaving friends and family, our shipment arriving in one piece, learning the language....I could go on but you get the point. Life here hasn't been perfect, but it's been a pretty great experience, and when I think back on the "stuff" I worried about it really didn't help at all. God provided what we needed and once again showed me there was no reason I should have worried. Earlier in March we went on an awesome family ski trip to Austria. We stayed at Feriendorf-Hochpustertal , an amazing little chalet resort/village. It was a bit of a drive (abo...